Covid-19 Protocol
Within the framework of the pandemic declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) due to the virus called COVID-19, we have determined a series of measures to take care of the well-being of people within our establishment. Considering that according to the reports of the WHO and the various national and international health institutions, they have indicated that the spread of the virus can be avoided based on actions such as social distancing, good hand hygiene and surface disinfection, we developed the COVID-19 Protocol. 19.
Health and well-being play a central role in our lives, which is why at 725 Continental Hotel we develop strict disinfection and cleaning procedures for each of our operating processes and, in turn, implement the latest technologies to provide excellent contactless service! with the purpose of preserving the health of the people within the Establishment.
The following general mandatory rules are determined for people within the establishment:
- Temperature measurement to everyone who enters the establishment.
- Maintain personal distance of 2 meters at all times.
- Use without exception of personal protection elements in public and work areas by our collaborators as suppliers and customers
- Regular and mandatory handwashing for our employees upon arrival at their workplace, before and after handling garbage or waste, after touching public surfaces, after handling money or keys, after going to the bathroom, and after coughing , sneeze and wipe your nose.
- Disinfection of contact surfaces such as counters and elevator buttons at hourly intervals.
- In offices and event rooms, the occupancy density may not be greater than one person every 2.25 m².
- The use of elevators is restricted to a single person or family group in the case of clients.
- Presence of sanitizing solution dispensing devices in all public areas of the hotel.
- Hygiene kit for passengers consisting of alcohol gel, face masks and sanitizing hydro-alcoholic cloths.
- Web check in and check out
- Our clients will be able to access all hotel services digitally through the online platform “GUEST CONTROL”
- A contingency plan for suspected or confirmed cases is determined.
- Buffet meal service is suspended.
- We recommend that our clients travel with their reusable water bottle.
In order to comply with these regulations, our collaborators are informed and trained in the recognition of symptoms of the disease and the prevention measures of Covid-19.